Library Rules and Regulation

1. Use of E-Library Facility is on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

2. Students should have their accounts registered and activated at the
     E-Library and must use their own account when logging in. 

3. Students are given a maximum of 1 hour per day to use the facility. 

4. School Identification Card must be presented before using the facility. 

5. Politeness and Courtesy should be observed at all times in dealing with
     the  E-Library staff. 

6. The internet is for research purposes only. Internet Chat Relay (IRC) or
     the likes are strictly prohibited. Students may use their time with
     the computer for encoding purposes or editing manuscripts. 

7. Downloading, installing and running of software are not allowed within
     the facility. 

8. Two-student-per-PC policy shall be observed strictly in order to maintain     
     order in the use of the E-Library facility. 

9. Access of PORNOGRAPHIC sites/materials is not allowed and is punishable
     by suspension on the use of facility for one semester. 

10. Silence shall be observed at all times. Loud conversations and rowdy
      behavior are strictly prohibited. 

11. Chewing of gums drinking and eating inside the E-Library are not allowed. 

12. Illegal activities such as willful hacking, deleting of files, changing of
      system configurations/passwords resulting to damage of systems and
      networks are prohibited. 

Acceptable User Policy

1. Batasan Hills National High School recognizes the need of its students, teachers and    
    employees to have access to the Internet while on the job, using school computers. As such, 
    BHNHS has made the school decision to make the Internet available to all students,   
    teachers and employees for BHNHS academic purposes.

2. BHNHS intends for the Internet to be accessed for academic purposes and expects that 
    students, teachers and employees will spend no more than 5 minutes per day accessing the
    Internet for non-academic purposes.

3. The school reserves the right to use monitoring software to make sure the school’s  AUP is 
    being adhered to by its students, teachers and employees. The school may record and/or
    monitor one or more students, teachers and employees' computer and Internet activity for
    any reason and without any specific notice.

4. By reading this document and using the school computers and internet:
          a.You agree that you have had the opportunity to review this agreement
             and ask any questions regarding this document.
          b. You agree to adhere to the school’s AUP.
          c. You agree that you will be subject to disciplinary measures, including
              possible suspension/termination, if you violate the AUP.